The 4 Plus Size Outfit Formulas That Will Make Getting Dressed Easier

The 4 Plus Size Outfit Formulas That Will Make Getting Dressed Easier

I’m a huge proponent of using outfit formulas to make getting dressed easier. There are so many instances where I just don’t have the time or headspace to try and figure out what to wear. Yes, even Personal Stylists struggle with this. And that’s why I like to fall back on outfit formulas, not only to make getting dressed easier, but to provide guidance on some styling dilemmas. Below I’m outlining my 4 favorites, that I feel have transformed my style and have made getting dressed easy.


The 3 Word Method

Created by fellow stylist Allison Bornstein, this has got to be the most innovative way to define your personal style. Essentially, you consolidate your style into 3 words that cover the reality, aspiration, and emotional aspects of how we dress and want to feel in our clothes. You can use your 3 words to declutter your closet, shop for new pieces, and to get dressed. I’ve got a video on it here, and Allison has written a book that describes her approach to style. It’s definitely on my “to read” list!


The Outfit Uniform

I am a firm believer in having outfit uniforms having utilized this method so much when I worked in a corporate job. For me, Monday mornings were rough, and having a uniform I could fall back on saved my bacon on many an occasion. With this approach, you have a few outfits either on your phone, in your mind, written down, however you like to store them. You cam reference them when you’re in a hurry, too tired to care, or need something for a last minute event. This works really, really well for party looks, by the way. It eliminates panic dressing, and helps your wardrobe work for you.


The 2x2 Outfit Formula

This became famous on TikTok and I think it’s an excellent formula for those of you who work for home, are in an at home situation, or are in a business casual work environment but want to look a bit elevated. I think it’s also an excellent formula for weekends. What is it? It’s when you take two elevated, structured pieces and combine them with two casual pieces. It creates a really great tension and balance in your looks when you don’t want to dress too much, but also don’t want to be too casual.

An example of the 2x2 outfit formula

I have also created a YouTube video that you can watch for a more in depth review and demonstration of the formula.


The 3 Color Rule

The 3 color rule is where you keep your color mix to a maximum 3 colors. This formula works really well when you want to wear color but aren’t sure how. It can be used with neutrals, pop of color, full color, or helps you to wear pattern and color. The other half of this method is that black and white are considered freebies, meaning you don’t have to count them. I love this rule because it helps so much for those of you who aren’t sure how to mix colors.


All of these are intended to make fashion fun and easy for you. I’ve posted a full video as part of my Glow Up Guide, talking about these formulas on YouTube video that you can check out here.