How I've Improved My Productivity

Sometimes I struggle with productivity. I can’t ever seem to get in front of things until just recently when I implemented the Pomodoro Method.

I’m going to be honest, I was very skeptical of it’s effectiveness. I was of the mindset that working in time blocks of 50 minutes on, 10 minutes off would cut into my productivity because it would knock me out of “the zone”. But I’ve found it’s done the complete opposite.

Style & Lipstick How I've Improved My Productivity

If you’re unfamiliar with the Pomodoro method, it’s when you work for block of time, then step away for a short period (literally); the cycle is repeated hourly. It’s intended to help you to step away so that your mind has an opportunity to disconnect from the task you’re working on, allowing it to refresh. It is also intended to get you moving so that you minimize the working posture of being slumped over a computer.

At first, I wasn’t sure what to do with myself in the ten minute break. I began busying myself with playing with my cat, but then I saw it as an opportunity to do some small tasks i’d been putting off. I started doing some stretches, lunges, toe raises, essentially getting in some exercise. I’m planning to incorporate a quick spin on my Peloton, a few times a day and also clean and organize my pantry in 10 minute increments.

Needless to say, this has not knocked me out of the zone when working. It really has made me better. The output comes much more smoothly, the quality of my work is so much better. After trying it for two weeks, I have to say that I end the work day feeling very accomplished. But not just because the quality of my work is better, because I’ve also tackled some of those things I put off because I feel like I’ve got to get to work.

Overall, the Pomodoro method has been a game changer for me. I am able to multitask in a way that I hadn’t before. It’s something to consider if you’re looking to increase your productivity, and also to improve the quality of your output.